7 ways to write more persuasive sales copy

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Are you ready to learn how you’re going to be ten times more persuasive with your sales copy after reading these 7 tips?

You’ll learn how to make your audience feel like your product or service can solve all their problems.

In addition, you’ll learn how to avoid making any of these common mistakes that can hamper your copy’s persuasiveness. Read on now to see what you should do differently from here on out!

1. Take a New Approach to Writing Sales Copy

Are you tired of writing copy that falls flat? Have you tried to inject some life into it but nothing seems to work? Maybe it’s time to change the approach, instead of just trying harder with what you’re already doing.

Let go of whatever formula you’re using and instead try a new approach. You may be surprised to find that your copy actually becomes a lot more persuasive just by stepping outside of your comfort zone for a little bit.

For example, if you are stuck on the classic formulas of Problem-Agitate-Solution or Attention-Interest-Desire-Action, try taking a step back and pretend you are talking to someone at a bar about your product or service.

2. How Honest Are You Being?

Don’t beat around the bush – that only wastes the time of your audience. Are you trying to sell them something of value or are you trying to beat around the bush? Make it clear exactly what you are selling and why someone should buy.

For example, if you are trying to sell a supplement, don’t use words like ‘vitamins’ or ‘health’. Instead, tell them that what you are offering will help them lose weight. (Only if it actually works!) Remember that being honest with your audience will always be the most persuasive form of communication.

3. Never Assume Anything

Never make an assumption about what your prospective customer knows – always ask questions and approach them from a place where they feel as if it’s okay not to know something.

Don’t assume you know how they feel about the problem your product solves. Instead, ask them why they are upset about it or what their biggest concern is. The more open-ended the question is, the better.

Remember that you have to be able to convince them before you can make a sale, and that starts with understanding where they’re coming from.

4. Speak to Your Audience, Not at Them

Remember this: your audience doesn’t care about you and your product or service quite as much as you do. You’ll never get them to be interested in buying if you don’t speak to them directly and show that you’re addressing the problem they’re currently facing.

Don’t tell them why they should care – instead, ask them what their biggest problems are. This way, you’ll be able to speak to the root of the problem and give your audience a reason why they need your product or service.

Talk to them like you are sitting at a bar. Sales copy doesn’t need impressive words or scientific conclusions. It just needs to capture attention and convince.

5. Craft a Captivating Headline

A great headline alone isn’t always enough, but it’s the best place to start. It’s what gets people to read your copy in the first place, so don’t miss this opportunity to capture their attention!

Make sure that you’re taking into account everything mentioned before (not making any assumptions, speaking to them directly, etc.) so that you don’t accidentally send the wrong message. Your headline needs to be honest, precise, and convey exactly what you are offering.

6. Arouse Your Readers’ Curiosity

Explain what your product or service can do but never tell them how it will solve their problem. That would be like taking someone to a restaurant and telling them they’ll get food when they arrive – not very persuasive, is it?

Instead, use a hook to pique their interest and get them excited about what’s to come. Whatever you do, don’t just flat-out say that your product or service will solve their problem – that will only turn them away!

Just by arousing curiosity with a hook, you can make a strong case for why you should be believed.

7. Get to the Point and Be Specific

Don’t dilly-dally! You can’t expect your audience to read every single word of your copy if you’re not telling them anything in the first place. Instead, use specifics when you describe what your product or service does and how it will help them.

Use numbers, comparisons, and testimonials to back up your claims and make it clear why you’re the best choice. Remember that you already have their attention – now it’s time to deliver what they came for!

Once you are able to capture your reader’s attention, make sure you are speaking directly to them about their problem. This will help you gain rapport with your reader and also show that you understand where they’re coming from – which is a key factor in persuasion!

I hope these 7 ways to write more persuasive sales copy help you in your business, if you can’t come up with creative content, shoot me a live chat below and I’d be happy to help!

7 ways to write more persuasive sales copy

How do you write more persuasive sales copy?

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